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34. Manufactorum Raid

A raid against a rival House’s manufactorum.

Source: Book of Peril

Attacked & Defender

The gang who chose this scenario is the attacker, the other is the defender. Otherwise, randomize one gang to choose who to be attacker and defender.




  • Attacker: Custom.
  • Defender: Random (D3+5) + Reinforcements.

Tactics Cards

  • Custom (2).
  • Underdog (starting crew cost): +1 random per 100 credits.


Standard. Then the attacker places 3 bomb markers at least 12” from another marker and at least 16” from the attacker’s deployment area. These are the points where the attacker must plant their bombs.


  • Defender: D3.
  • Each End phase (starting on the 2nd round).

Special Rule: Bombs

The attacking crew is carrying a collection of homemade explosives to blow up machinery vital to the rival House.

Attackers must spend a Double action (Plant Bomb) if B2B with a bomb marker (including disarmed bombs):

  • Gain 1 XP.

The planted bomb has a counter which starts with 1.

In the End phase, roll a D6 for each bomb, adding the result on its counter. On a 7+, the bomb explodes:

  • Strength 6, Damage D3, Blast (5”), Knockback.

Otherwise, increase the counter’s number by 1.

Defenders can spend a Double action (Disarm Bomb) if B2B with a armed/planted bomb:

  • Make an Intelligence test:
    • Success: Disarmed, gain D3 XP.
    • Fail: If the roll was a double, the bomb explodes.

A disarmed bomb must be rearmed by an attacker using the Plant Bomb (Double) action. The counter is reset to 1.

Functioning Manufactorum

The Industrial Terrain in this scenario is fully functioning. Terrain activates on a 3+ rather than a 6+.

Ending the Battle

The battle ends when at least 1 condition is true:

  • Only one gang has fighters remaining.
  • All 3 bombs explode.


If all 3 bombs explode, the attacker wins. Otherwise, the defender wins.



  • 2D6x10 to the winning defender.


Scenario specific rewards:

  • +1 for taking part.
  • +1 to each fighter that plants or rearms a bomb.
  • +D3 to each fighter that successfully disarms a bomb.

Standard rewards:

  • +1 for taking an enemy Out of Action.
  • +1 for taking an enemy Leader or Champion Out of Action.
  • +1 for killing an enemy (during the battle).
  • +1 for Rallying.


  • +D3 to the winning attacker.
  • +D6 to the defender if no bombs explode.
  • +D3 to the defender if 1 or 2 bombs explode.
  • -1 for bottling out.