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127. Cut of the Head

“Threat assessment: Negligible. Response: Exterminate”
- Czarn, Brethren of the Black Dawn, Helot Cult Heretek

In this scenario, one gang ambushes a rival in the heart of their territory in an attempt to take down its leader.

Source: Apocrypha: Daemons of Meridian

Attacker & Defender

The gang who chose this scenario is the attacker, the other is the defender. Otherwise, randomize one gang to choose who to be attacker and defender.


Standard (Sector Mechanicus).


  • Attacker: Custom (6).
  • Defender: Random (D3+5)

No vehicles or mounts.

Tactics Cards

  • Custom (2).
  • Underdog (Gang Rating): +1 random per 100 credits.


  1. Defender deploys all with 9" of the centre of the battlefield.
  2. Attacker deploys all within 3" of any battlefield edge.

Home Turf Advantage

  • Defender:
    • Bottle tests: Roll 2D6 and discard the highest.
    • Rally tests: +1.
    • Hangers-on: Included in the crew on a 4+ (roll individually).

The Target

After starting crews have been determined, the defender designates one of their fighters as the Target. If possible the defender must choose their Leader, if their Leader is not part of their starting crew they must instead select a Champion. If they cannot select a Champion then any fighter may be selected. The Target may perform the Power Tap (Double) action if they are within 3" of the centre of the battlefield:

Power Tap (Double): The fighter removes all Flesh Wounds and the fighter may perform an additional action during their next activation.

Fleeing The Battlefield

If either gang voluntarily bottles out and subsequently flees the battlefield, their opponent automatically wins the scenario.

Ending the Battle

The battle ends if any of the following is true:

  • Only one gang remains.
  • Target is no longer on the battlefield (end of that round).


If the Target is not on the battlefield at the end of the battle, the attacker is victorious, otherwise the defender wins.



  • Winner: 2D6x10.
  • Loser: D6x10.


Scenario specific rewards:

  • +1 for taking part.
  • +D3 XP for taking the Target OoA.
  • +D3 XP for the Target if they survive.

Standard rewards:

  • +1 for taking an enemy Out of Action.
  • +1 for taking an enemy Leader or Champion Out of Action.
  • +1 for killing an enemy (during the battle).
  • +1 for Rallying.


  • +D3 (win).
  • -1 (bottle out).
Narrative Variant

Daemons Of Meridian

If players wish, they may use this scenario to represent the battle between Gorshiv and Czarn in the caves beneath Cinderak City.

In order to do this, make the following changes:

  • The attacker’s gang should be a Goliath gang and include Gorshiv Hammerfist.
  • The defender’s gang should be an Outcasts gang led by Czarn the Cyberoth.
  • Czarn must be the Target and he treats the Power Tap (Double) action as a Basic action.