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Intrigues are a special form of sub-plot a player can choose to fulfil during any game played in a Law and Misrule Campaign. Each Intrigue represents an opportunity; a tempting offer or gambit that will give the gang great reward if they claim it. Intrigues fall into two categories: Law or Misrule, but can be claimed by any gang regardless of alignment. If a gang claims an Intrigue from a category that does not match their alignment, there is a risk that word of their actions will get out, harming their reputation and credibility, and perhaps forcing the gang to change alignment.

Designer’s Note – Sub-Plots

As Intrigues are a variant of sub-plots, it is recommended that other sub-plots are not used in a Law and Misrule Campaign as they add another layer of possibilities to games which, in addition to Intrigues, can make those games a bit overburdened with rules.

Drawing Intrigues

Both players draw three Intrigue cards at the start of each battle, during step 4 of the pre-battle sequence. After reading their cards, both players should place them face-down beside the battlefield.

Claiming Intrigues

An Intrigue can be claimed by the player that drew it once the criteria listed have been met. A player can claim an Intrigue at any point during the battle simply by picking the Intrigue card up and saying that they are claiming it. Once an Intrigue has been claimed, it cannot be unclaimed.

Betraying Your Alignment

If a gang claims an Intrigue froma category that does not match their alignment, it will have to make an Alignment check during step 2 of the post-battle sequence. If this test if failed, the gang’s alignment will immediately change.

Making An Intrigue Deck

The Intrigues & Rackets Card Pack contains cards for each Intrigue used in the Law and Misrule Campaign. These cards feature all of the Intrigues’ special rules. If you do not have the Intrigues & Rackets Card Pack, you can use half a deck of playing cards to determine the Intrigues before a battle. Remove all Hearts, Clubs and Jokers, leaving just Diamonds and Spades. Each card in these remaining suits corresponds to an Intrigue, as indicated in the Intrigue descriptions that follow.

List of Intrigues

Wreck The Place (Ace Of Diamonds)

Tear things down! Break what works and leave the rest in ruin.

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: D6
Reward: +1 Reputation

Criteria: If any of your fighters can reach your opponent’s deployment zone, theymay perform the Vandalise (Basic) action. Each time this action is performed, make a note. If this action is performed twice, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

If your opponent’s deployment zone does not follow the standard rules for deployment, you may discard this Intrigue and draw another.

Seed The Rebellion (Two Of Diamonds)

Rise up! Rise up against the overlords!

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: D6
Reward: +1 Reputation

Criteria: If any of your fighters can reach your opponent’s deployment zone, they may perform the Graffiti (Basic) action. Each time this action is performed, make a note. If this action is performed twice, your gang has claimed this Intrigue. If this action is performed four times, your gang can claim this Intrigue and is rewarded with +2 Reputation, rather than the usual +1.

If your opponent’s deployment zone does not follow the standard rules for deployment, you may discard this Intrigue and draw another.

Burn It Down! (Three Of Diamonds)

Set a fire and leave nothing but ashes!

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: +2 Reputation

Criteria: If any of your fighters can reach your opponent’s deployment zone, they may perform the Start Fire (Basic) action. Place a Blaze token in base-to-base contact with the fighter. From the start of the next round, any fighter that moves within 3" of the Blaze token takes an automatic Strength 3, AP -, Damage 1 hit. If this action is performed twice, your gang can claim this Intrigue. If this action is performed four times, your gang can claim this Intrigue and is rewarded with +3 Reputation, rather than the usual +2.

Blow It Up! (Four Of Diamonds)

There is no greater symbol of rebellion than structures that have stood for millennia reduced to ruins.

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: 3D6
Reward: +4 Reputation

Criteria: Choose a fighter on your crew to be the bomb carrier. This fighter can perform the Plant Bomb (Double) action. If the bomb carrier completes this action once whilst within 6" of the centre of the battlefield then the bomb has been planted. At the end of the battle, the bomb explodes and your gang can claim this Intrigue. Any fighters within 6" of the centre of the battlefield at the end of the battle are taken Out of Action. Should the bomb carrier be taken Out of Action before planting the bomb, the model is replaced by a frag trap booby trap.

Make Them Bleed! (Five Of Diamonds)

If you can make someone bleed, you show they are weak.

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: +4 Reputation, opponent loses -2 Reputation

Criteria: If, at the end of the battle, your gang has taken the enemy gang’s Leader and all of their Champions that took part in this battle Out of Action, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Clear The Smuggling Routes (Six Of Diamonds)

A smuggling cartel wants a clear passage to move its goods through an area, and needs a gang to make a path.

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: 200 credits

Criteria: If, at the end of the battle, no enemy fighters are within their own deployment zone, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Collect A Debt (Seven Of Diamonds)

Someone owes someone powerful a pile of credits, and it's time for them to pay up!

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: D6
Reward: 100 credits

Criteria: When one of your fighters is Engaged with an enemy fighter, insteadof performing a Fight (Basic) action, they may perform the Shakedown(Double) action. If this action is performed once, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Reveal The Imposter (Eight Of Diamonds)

One of your gang members has been replaced by an imposter passingwhispers to the law keepers. They need to be uncovered.

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: 150 credits

Criteria: At the start of the third round of the battle, after rolling for Priority but before Readying fighters, one randomly determined fighter from your crew (not a Leader or Champion) is revealed as an imposter and counts as part of the opponent’s gang for the remainder of the battle. If one of your fighters manages to take the imposter Out of Action after they have been revealed, your gang can claim this Intrigue. If the imposter is taken Out of Action, no Lasting Injury roll is made for the fighter replaced, as they never really took part in the battle.

Stand Alone (Nine Of Diamonds)

If you can stand covered in the blood of your enemies, you can showeveryonewho is top of the pile.

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: +3 Reputation, and the chosen fighter gains the Fearsome skill

Criteria: Choose one enemy Leader or Champion that is taking part in the battle. For the remainder of the battle, they cannot make group activations. However, if the chosen fighter takes three enemy fighters Out of Action by the end of the battle, and has not been taken Out of Action themselves, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Hit The Stimms (Ten Of Diamonds)

Your gang has been offered the use of some black market alchemy that is decidedly not on the rolls of those approved by the Guilders!

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: 3D6
Reward: For the remainder of this battle, your fighters ignore the effects of Flesh Wounds and may immediately discard any Flesh Wounds suffered.

Criteria: By simply announcing your gang will use this Intrigue during the Ready Fighters step of any Priority phase, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Resurrect The Dead (Jack Of Diamonds)

There are ways and means of bringing even the dead back to life. Some are thought to be mere stories: the Shunned Guild, the Priest of the Spider Kin, the Elixirs of the Pale Abyss. But one thing underlies these rumours – all of them are true!

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: 4D6
Reward: During step 6 of the post-battle sequence, you may choose a single fighter from your gang who has died over the course of this campaign and return them to your roster with any equipment they originally had. Their Toughness is reduced by -1, but they gain the Fearsome skill if they did not have it already.

Criteria: By simply announcing that your gang has completed this Intrigue during the Wrap-up step of the post-battle sequence, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Run With The Ghasts (Queen Of Diamonds)

You have found an undeclared deposit of unrefined Ghast. Now seems the perfect time to use it!

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: Choose three members of your crew. They are immediately treated as having taken a dose of Ghast. Additionally, D6+1 doses of Ghast are added to the gang’s Stash during step 2 of the post-battle sequence.

Criteria: By simply announcing your gang will use this Intrigue during the Ready Fighters step of any Priority phase, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Corrupt The Machine (King of Diamonds)

A mysterious stranger has hired you to plant some scrap code in the local cogitator network.

Category: Outlaw
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: 150 credits

Criteria: Choose three terrain features and/or door consoles at least 6" from your deployment zone and at least 8" from each other. Any Standing and Active fighter from your gang that is within 1" of one of the chosen features may perform the Hacking (Double) action. Make an Intelligence check for the fighter. If the check is passed, they have successfully planted the code. If the code is planted three times, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Stitch Them Up! (Ace Of Spades)

There’s money to be made from making the innocent look guilty.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: 100 credits

Criteria: If one of your Standing fighters is within 1" of a Seriously Injured enemy fighter, instead of performing a Coup De Grace (Simple) action, they may perform the Plant Evidence (Basic) action. Each time this action is performed, make a note. If this action is performed twice, your gang can claimthis Intrigue.

The Price Of Peace (Two Of Spades)

Sometimes the clink of credits is louder than the sound of gunfire…

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: D6
Reward: +4 Reputation

Criteria: During the Ready Fighters step of any Priority phase, offer your opponent a bribe of 250 credits – this comes from a ‘concerned citizen’ eager to keep the peace and does not reduce your gang’s Wealth or Income. If your opponent accepts, they immediately forfeit the battle to your gang and your gang claims this Intrigue.

Minimum Force (Three Of Spades)

The minimum force required is the maximum force you can bring to bear.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: +2 Reputation

Criteria: To claim this Intrigue, your gang must take three enemy fighters Out of Action in close combat, using a weapon with the Melee trait.

Hold The Line (Four Of Spades)

Order is maintained by standing unwavering in the face of anarchy and ruin.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: +2 Reputation OR claim a single unclaimed Racket

Criteria: Nominate a terrain feature at least 12" from your deployment zone. If, at the end of the battle, there are no enemy fighters within 6" of that terrain feature, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Show Of Force (Five Of Spades)

If you break those who oppose you, soon no one will dare to oppose you.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: +4 Reputation

Criteria: To claim this Intrigue, your gang must take at least six enemy fighters Out of Action either with shooting or in close combat.

Keep The Trade Flowing (Six Of Spades)

Trade is the life blood of the hive, the nourisher of order. It must flow or all will be lost to anarchy.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: 150 credits

Criteria: If, at the end of the battle, at least four of your fighters are Standing and Active or Standing and Engaged within your enemy’s deployment zone, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Cut Off The Head (Seven Of Spades)

Those who watch and judge need you to shadow one of the souls they have marked for retribution.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: 2D6
Reward: +1 Reputation per enemy Champion taken Out of Action, +2 Reputation for an enemy Leader taken Out of Action.

Criteria: If, at the end of the battle, you have taken your enemy’s Leader or any of their Champions Out of Action, announce you are claiming this Intrigue and receive the rewards as described above.

Watch From The Shadows (Eight Of Spades)

If you cut off the head of the snake then the body will die.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: 3D6
Reward: 50 credits, and a single fighter that took part in the battle gains a Cunning skill of your choice.

Criteria: During the Ready Fighters step of any Priority phase, randomly choose a fighter from your opponent’s crew. For the remainder of this battle, any of your fighters within 12" of the chosen enemy fighter may perform the Shadow (Double) action. A Shadowing fighter can do nothing else this turn, but if the enemy fighter moves, the Shadowing fighter is also moved to remain within 12" of them – unless stopped by impassable terrain or enemy fighters. If at the end of the battle, you have a fighter Shadowing an enemy fighter, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Break Their Will (Nine Of Spades)

If justice cannot triumph through sanctioned means, it will triumph by paying for the heads of dead criminals.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: 4D6
Reward: +4 Reputation, opponent loses -2 Reputation

Criteria: You can only claim this Intrigue if the enemy is an Outlaw gang. If it is not, you may discard this Intrigue and draw another. If, at the end of the battle, your gang has taken the enemy gang’s Leader and all of their Champions that took part in this battle Out of Action, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Mark The Impure (Ten Of Spades)

Evidence must be gathered for the prosecution of a suspected recidivist.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: D6
Reward: +2 Reputation

Criteria: When one of your fighters activates within 6" of your opponent’s Leader, they may perform the Pict Capture (Double) action. If a model that has performed this action begins a later activation within 1" of an edge of the battlefield, you can remove them from play as they make off with the evidence required – this does not count as the fighter going Out of Action. When the battle ends, your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Carry A Guild Bond (Jack Of Spades)

The Guilders need the deeds and bonds of their protected trade carried through a dangerous part of the hive.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: D6
Reward: +2 Reputation

Criteria: Choose one fighter from your crew to be the courier. If, at the end of any round, the courier is in the enemy’s deployment zone, you can remove them from the battlefield (they do not count as going Out of Action) and your gang can claim this Intrigue.

Bring Them In Dead Or Alive (Queen Of Spades)

The Merchant Guild offers cold, hard creds for bounties fulfilled – and doesn’t care overly much how gangs go about collecting them, as long as they do.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: 4D6
Reward: 50 credits per enemy fighter taken Out of Action

Criteria: You can only claim this Intrigue if the enemy is an Outlaw gang. If it is not, you may discard this Intrigue and draw another. During the Wrap-up step, claim this Intrigue for each enemy fighter taken Out of Action.

Retrieve The Informer (King Of Spades)

One of the enemy's gang is an Enforcer infiltrator who needs escorting to safety.

Category: Law Abiding
Alignment Test: 3D6
Reward: 150 credits

Criteria: One randomly determined fighter from your opponent’s crew (not a Leader or Champion) is revealed as an imposter and counts as part of your gang for the remainder of the battle. If the imposter is Standing and Active within your deployment zone when the battle ends, your gang can claim this Intrigue. If the imposter is taken Out of Action, no Lasting Injury roll is made for the fighter who was replaced by the imposter – they never really took part in the battle.