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· 2 min read

Necrodamus is now Necro-vox

When I first started this site, I wanted a place to view all Necromunda rules in one place, online, searchable and mobile friendly. As the rules were so fragmented, I searched for a place to start, and @TopsyKretts's fantastic Necrodamus compilation pdf was a great resource to work off. With his permission and access to his working doc, I transcribed and compiled his 300+ page compilation and launched

Over the last 12 months (it's a year to the day!), 4 major books have been released, included a revised core rules. With these releases, I've made the editorial decision to publish them verbatim, even if that means contradictions with early rules. Topsy has worked long and hard about having a singular source of truth, so editorially decides the rules where the authors have erred. This means that the website and pdf are now quite different, and will continue to become more different with further publications.

To keep things easy to understand, and have people find the right ruleset for them, it's time to make this clear with a rebrand. Necrodamus is now Necro-vox!

If you look carefully, Necro-vox has already infiltrated all of the Necromunda rulebooks. In fact, it's one of the first words used in every book, and it's even important in keeping Necromunda functioning 😉

Everything else will be the same for now, and will redirect to the new domain for the next year or so until everyone remembers the new URL.

Over the next few months I plan to revisit the House/Book of X publications and transcribe the rules in their original long form, and includes any updates at the top of the page. Any additional rules will be cited, and anything not RAW will be added in a callout instead. See the Outcasts page for an example of these features in action.

Any feedback, please hit up the Discord, and I hope you like the new direction.

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